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Altre opere della Sensei

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view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 12:12

Qui potrete mettere immy di tutte le opere della nostra sensei Minekura *_* e se potete anche uno straccio di trama ( qualcuno mi dica la trama di Stigmaaaaaaaaaaa ) dei suoi altri manga ^^'' ! Ma ficcate taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaante immy di tutti quei bei ragazzuoli della sensei *_* yaoi della sensei foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeer !!!!!!

Il mini-Sanzo puccioso di Stigma ^__^

Attached Image: Stigmata1.jpe


view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 12:14

Quanto sono carini questi dueeeeeeee ( trama pleaseeeeee ) *___* !!!!!

Attached Image: sspg1cover.jpe


view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 12:26

ARAAISOOOOOO(l) -abbreviazione XD-
view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 21:22


-stigma-dunquee io so sl ke il bambino ha una specie d bruciature sulla pancai-quasi, un po +in basso- e il prete-se poi lo è- ke lo kura ne ha una pure lui-nn rikordo dove- e bratikamente io le kiamo stigmate O_o. uhm qsto prete deve proteggere il bimbo -pucciosissimo- da un'altro tizio ke l vuole fare fuori-nn ho voglia d rakkontare XD e io m baso su reperti-

WA E ARAISO- hihihi protagonisti d qste belle vicende sn tokito e kubota!-kubota, il mio sensei, il ragazzo + sincero del mondo(kubo: nn m faccio tokito, figurati, x me lui è sl un amiko^___^ -: e dopo :- toki: no, ke fai, è uno sbaglio../me leva *anf* ansimi vari/ ) ehm cmq tokito inkontra kubota in mezzo alla strada, dv kubota-kun lo "rakkatta" e se lo porta a kasa, nn so se x pietà o kosa. -fatto sta ke a kubota è morto il ragazzo-a me pareva un uomo giàO.o- ke credo fosse d 1 kosa tipo investigazione o simile..O_O-
cmq tokito ha un potere partikolare-psikiko m pare- e il suo braccio destro -ehm- è diciamo nn umano. frequentano entrambi lo stesso liceo -da qui il nome d araiso- dv tokito e kubota danno una mano a tenere sottokontrollo i teppisti... O_o poi penso ke WA abbia la stessa trama -qsta era araiso lol, o forse le ho miskiate assieme...boh-
uhm beehive m parerakkonti sempre d storie tipo polizieske ..o boh

Edited by *Yao* - 26/6/2003, 03:24
°+*Dark Angel*+°
view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 21:46

WoW!Hai un sito con info?
view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 22:03

QUOTE (Acchan @ 24/6/2003, 11:28)
Quanto sono carini questi dueeeeeeee ( trama pleaseeeeee ) *___* !!!!!

a me sembra hakkai
view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 22:27

qllo kn gli okkiali è il mio sensei, kubota, l'altro è tokito^^
view post Posted on 24/6/2003, 22:30

QUOTE (thunderbolts @ 24/6/2003, 21:17)
QUOTE (Acchan @ 24/6/2003, 11:28)
Quanto sono carini questi dueeeeeeee ( trama pleaseeeeee   ) *___* !!!!!

a me sembra hakkai

(y) Yep! Gli assomiglia!
view post Posted on 25/6/2003, 13:52

Wild Adapter è proprio figo ^^ma Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee è MAGNIFICO e guardate che BELLA tavola del manga ^////^
user posted image
Sakura Haruno
view post Posted on 25/6/2003, 13:55

ma nn dimentichiamo che sn come fratelli XD
view post Posted on 25/6/2003, 13:57

QUOTE (SACCHAN @ 25/6/2003, 13:06)
Wild Adapter è proprio figo ^^ma Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee è MAGNIFICO e guardate che BELLA tavola del manga ^////^
user posted image

ehehe sì sì, ke avevo detto? sl ke qllo dove tokito dice ke era un errore farlo...ERA XKè ERANO A SCUOLAAA uahahahahhaa kuobota sensei, lei è un grandeeeeeeeeee XD
view post Posted on 26/6/2003, 10:30

^^" me nn ha capito il tuo post Yao
view post Posted on 26/6/2003, 17:24

QUOTE (SACCHAN @ 26/6/2003, 09:44)
^^" me nn ha capito il tuo post Yao

eheheheheh io ho altri scan del manga
una volta kubota stava tentando di ehm diciamo avvicinarsi ehm a tokito
solo ke erano a scuola XD
view post Posted on 26/6/2003, 17:25

Wild Adapter
Author: Minekura Kazuya
Imprint: Chara Comics Special
Publisher: Tokuma shoten
ISBN: 4-19-960161-9

Reviewed by Jeanne

Yokohama 1995. The world of yakuza and drug-dealing and prostitution. Sanada, head of the local branch of the Izumo gang, hears about an intriguing young mahjong player, Kubota Makoto. He offers him a position running the youth group of the gang. Kubota isn't especially interested- "Can I go now? I haven't had lunch"- but Sanada makes him an offer. Here, bound and gagged, is the former leader of the youth group, who alas turned out to be a spy from the rival Toujou gang. Here are two guns, seemingly identical, one of which will blow up in your face when you fire it. "Let's see how lucky you are, Kubota-kun." Kubota still isn't interested in joining the gang, but the chance to try his luck attracts him. "You haven't got a good right arm, you can't play mahjong." He picks up a gun and shoots the guy, and complains how loud the backfire is. Thus Kubota Makoto, not on the face of it a terribly nice guy, but one who certainly belongs in the world he finds himself in. (And I have to say, anyone who's ever lived in Tokyo will be moved to tears of nostalgia by Minekura's detailed rendering of its grimy, scuzzy, undistinguished backstreets and cheap apartments.)
One feels one ought to dislike Kubota, or at least disapprove of him strongly, but one can't. There isn't enough of him to dislike- no malice, no villainy, no evil. "Chaos and order got all mixed up inside him," someone thinks about him, "and produced nothing... except Nothing." If ever nihilism walked on two legs, it does here. His emotions, his interests, his ideas, are all something he keeps at arm's length from himself. He plays mahjong, as he shoots ex-youth group leaders, as a way of demonstrating he's alive. "I can't really tell if I'm living unless I'm up against a live opponent," he smiles. His violence is exercised against the violent themselves, even if in slight excess. Toujou members strut about Izumo turf, dealing drugs, and one of them knocks the teeth out of an Izumo member who had the bad luck to talk to the Toujou guy's girl. Toujou member later finds Kubota waiting for him, and afterwards is discovered with his neck broken and his fingernails ripped out. "And bitten?" Kubota asks innocently. "Yeah, that too." "Humans are animals, after all," he shrugs.

(Hereafter are semi-spoilers. Tread carefully.)

Minekura rubs our noses in Kubota's violence again and again, but still somehow manages to keep our feelings on this side of sympathy. For one thing she presents him almost entirely through the eyes of other characters. These are usually people struck and fascinated by Kubota's personal magnetism, which can make him seem Mary Sue-ish at times. "A look to tear the heart out of you," someone thinks, stunned on first meeting Kubota's gaze. (Actually this is the guy who gets his fingernails ripped out.) Through most of this first volume we get him from the point of view of Komiya, the second in command of the youth group. Komiya, something of an innocent who fancies himself a hardened yakuza, is both excited and ambivalent about Kubota's casual violence and bland detachment. As their acquaintance progresses, the poor kid becomes more and more confused about Kubota himself. In fact he's falling in love, but it's only the readers who realize this. Komiya certainly doesn't, and Kubota- well, if he does, he won't give many signs of it. Some. Not many.

It's Kubota's nature to draw people to him- his underlings in the gang, Komiya, the oily Sanada himself- but to be incapable of responding. Not surprising when we learn that he's an illegitimate and unrecognized son whose parents took the attitude that he didn't exist. (His father was Someone, and a pretty charismatic Someone, but we still don't know who.) "I can't remember once having spoken to my mother or my father," he says calmly. It doesn't bother him. "You don't miss what you never had." In spite of which, thanks to Minekura's artstyle and the faint wistfulness in Kubota's face, both we and Komiya get the feeling that Kubota does indeed want something, if only he could find it. And allow himself to want it when he does.

In the middle of the book we get a two-page peek into what makes Kubota tick- a section narrated by him alone. He looked after a stray cat once. "Don't remember much about him, frankly, just how warm he was and how soft his fur. He didn't even have a name." One day, coming home from school, he found the cat dead, its insides ripped out by a dog and lying across the roadway. "I picked him up in my thin arms. He'd lost all the grace he'd had before and stiffened out of shape. I suppose he was born only so he could die that way. And I thought, some day I'll die like that too, with my guts all falling out of me." Kubota in fact rather embodies a principle first stated by Minekura's other character, Genjou Sanzou. "Anyone who kills and goes on living has accepted the fact that some day he'll be killed in his turn." Kubota is just a victim waiting for his own killer to find him. It gives him an odd fellow-sympathy for his own victims, but no mercy. And we eventually realize that, not unlike Sanzou, he's also waiting for redemption, even though neither he nor Sanzou know it (or recognize it, even when it's there beside them complaining how hungry it is.) The question is only which will find Kubota first, redemption or death. One rather hopes that the two won't come in the same package.

But into Kubota's uninflected grey nothingness comes, quite casually, the wild card of Wild Adapter. It's a drug that not merely drives people insane, it turns them into semi-animals with claws and shaggy hair, and ends by making their insides explode out of them. Five or six bodies with the tell-tale characteristics have showed up in the streets of Yokohama since the previous year, and the cop Kasai, Kubota's uncle, enlists Kubota and Komiya's help to get a lead on it. ("One of Japan's famous corrupt cops," Kubota says, were you wondering how come a cop can be palsy with the yakuza. In fact uncorrupt cops can be palsy with the yakuza too. It's how things are traditionally done there.) The drug ends by changing everything for both Kubota and Komiya. And so, at the end of volume one, Kubota finds himself picking up another stray cat- a large and heavy one. "I never learn." This one is lying unconscious in an alley, having somehow survived the people who were hunting him down and the effects of Wild Adapter itself. His name is Tokitoh, and we're all waiting desperately to see what happens next.

Of course, Kubota and Tokitoh are the protagonists of Minekura's other manga Executive Committee. The relationship between the two series has been the subject of some debate. Minekura herself, on the dustjacket of WA, calls it a 'parallel' (English word written in katakana) to ExecCttee. I might know what that meant if she'd said it in Japanese, but when it comes to English loanwords the Japanese follow the Humpty-Dumpty rule- 'When I use a word it means exactly what I want it to mean, neither more nor less.' Myself I think it means 'parallel universe' rather than prequel, because it rather boggles my mind that Kubota the nihilistic mafia hitman of WA goes on to become a woolly wombattish ordinary high school student in ExecCttee. Granted, this is Japanese manga where high school students somehow manage to live alone, pay their school fees, buy their own uniforms, and be single mothers raped by demons, without anyone ever breathing that taboo word 'how?'. So maybe I'm just being naïve about Kubota's antecedents. But I also like someone's suggestion that at the end of WA, whenever it comes, Kubota will wake up and find he's EC Kubota. It would be too cruel if the EC Kubota woke up only to find he was the WA Kubota, the one waiting for the day of his death.
view post Posted on 26/6/2003, 17:28

Araiso Private High School Student Council) Executive Committee
Author: Minekura Kazuya
Imprint: Chara Comics
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten
ISBN: 4-19-960108-2

Reviewed by Jeanne

A word about the title first, because the title throws a lot of people. They take one look at it and go off and read 'Just' instead in despair. Think they've picked up the Chinese translation by mistake. Call it 'that one with the long name.' Whatever. FWIW, it's shiritsu (private) Araiso (the school's name) koutou gakkou (secondary school, usually shortened to koukou- 'high') seitoukai (student council) shikkoubu (executive committee.) Executive committee of the Student Council of Araiso Private Secondary School. Called 'executive cttee' for convenience, though IMHO it could be called goon squad without doing too much violence to the settei.

So much for the title. Now for the genealogy. (Just call this the Cliff's Notes to Minekura's works.) Deep breath. According to the afterword in this volume, Minekura was drawing a different, 'hardboiled' story when for reasons unstated she decided to use its main characters in a light-hearted high school series. Which was picked up by Chara and appeared professionally long before the bleak original, Wild Adapter. I believe she was drawing both ExecCttee and Wild Adapter as doujinshis, which is where Minekura tries stories on for size. (And going by the art style, the later stories in this volume are the earlier ones in her career. Thay have that doujinshi-style look.) The EC Kubota and Tokitoh, she says, are completely different people from the Wild Adapter ones, which sort of answers the question of whether WA is a prequel or sequel to ExecCttee. In fact, it appears to be neither. So there's no dark reason, as per Wild Adapter, for Tokitoh to be wearing that glove on his right hand. It's just a fashion statement.

But on to the plot. Genki female transfer student Katsuragi finds two guys ijimeing a third, interferes, and is told the guys are members of the executive committee, permitted by school regulation to halt and punish all wrong-doing on the spot. So if they find some guy messing up the change rooms, as now, they kick him a little to show him the error of his ways. Shortly thereafter Katsuragi sees a gang of thugs extorting money from two guys on threat of distributing blackmail photos, and beating the older one up when he refuses. She rushes off to the (poker-playing, cigarette-smoking, *in* uniform, *on* school property) EC and is met with indifference. "Can't stand people who always need someone else to save them", says feisty Gojou-clone Tokitoh. "Time those two learned a lesson," opines cool Hakkai-clone Kubota. Katsuragi in fury goes off herself to confront the blackmailers- while in her wake someone from the Photo club drops off an envelope at the EC's room. ("Put a lot of work into this. You'll pay my club fees for next year?") Katsuragi has thrown herself into the middle of the bullying and stopped the victims from handing over their money. And is about to be pounded by a thug when our guys appear, showering a stack of photos that show the thugs at various embarrassing moments. An exchange of negatives is effected. "Actually we've already plastered the photos around the school," Kubota says. "People learn by experience, you know. Oh- and this is for you," handing Katsuragi an EC armband. "We're a member short. 'Knowledge, strength, moral character'- you meet the requirements." The blackmail photos show the two blackmailed guys locked in a passionate kiss. "We were an all-boys' school until last year. There's lots of this around."

That's the size of most of the stories in this volume 1- short separate vignettes about our rough-and-ready and quite gorgeous heroes, the most unlikely of best friends. It's also about the size of the BL content in ExecCttee, which is a typical Chara work in that respect. Light, slightly frivolous, nothing specific. When you have okama appearing in a strip it's almost a guarantee of non-seriousness. Yes, Tokitoh has feelings about Kubota, but what we see is kept at the level of decent boyish friendship sort-of. (Kubota is one of those still-waters characters, and his feelings about Tokitoh are a matter of speculation.) Call it tease tease if you like- and the infuriated Katsuragi does call it that, as virtually every story starts with Kubota and Tokitoh in a suggestive position. The taller Kubota presses the shorter Tokitoh against the wall, grasps his wrists and murmurs 'Just this once- give in to me just once'- and lend me your history notes. Gaze deep into my eyes- deep, deep- yes definitely, that's a rotten tooth in the back of your mouth, better get some aspirin from the nurse.

It may be silly, but it does have its own indefinable Minekuran charm. I still hesitate to call what she does Unresolved Sexual Tension, because there are hints in both the dialogue and the art style, if you want them, that the sexual tension *is* being resolved. We just aren't getting to see it. This puts the series into the category of 'less is more' and 'seen yaoi is hot but that unseen is hotter.' Using one's imagination with characters drawn as seductively as Minekura's guys is a very satisfying exercise. "Anyone you particularly want to spend Christmas Eve with?" Tokitoh asks Kubota one Christmas Eve after the exec party. (Christmas Eve in Japan is what New Year's is here- gotta have a date time.) "You'll do for now," Kubota answers. And how do they then spend Christmas Eve, one wonders, after doing the plot-related rescuing the lost kid they find in the streets? Go back to Kubota's place probably and---

Well, for rather more of the same, and slightly more explicit, go check out Exec Cttee 2.
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