
Wiki - Wiki

    What is it?
    ForumFree Wiki collects documents that describe the features
    offered by ForumFree, ForumCommunity and BlogFree.

    Find a record
    You can find a record with the search form on the top right. You have to indicate a key word of at least three letters.

    Add a record
    Currently it is possible only to the Forumfree Staff membersimage.

    What records aren't useful?
    If the record's title is longer than three words, you're probabily doing something wrong. Have you never seen, on Wikipedia, a help record with a long title?
    You are making an error even if you are creating a wiki record whose matter has already been treated elsewhere.
    If you think that is needed, instead of creating this wiki record (that would be discarded), you can try to integrate the content of a record of the already existing wiki.

    Changing a record

    The registered members from at least one year can make changes by clicking the botton Edit.
    The abuses are punished; spam, particularly, is prohibited.

    Making comments about a wiki
    It is possible to add comments in that box area to suggest or motivate a change to the wiki, but not, for example, to congratulate.

    The story of record
    It is a report of the last changes made by users to a single record.

    It is an incomplete record, not considerable a standard wiki record. In the list of last changes, the draft are brown colored.